Wednesday was an extra fun day. Asher and Kieran met us. I, stupidly, forgot to charge my battery the night before, and I knew that the girls would be really sad if I couldn't take pictures of them with the characters- so that was all that I took pictures of- CHARACTERS.

The girls have been absolutely addicted to Nightmare Before Christmas for the past month. So when they say Sally and Jack, we had to get pictures with them. Unfortunately, we tried to get a picture with them, but they were going on break when we saw them. We went back after their break and found the line to be really long. We went to stand in it and were told that the end of the line was the last person in line. No pictures with Jack and Sally.

Scott and the girls often skipped around Disneyland. It was very cute.

The girls would pose for pictures all the time. Often they would ask for the picture to be taken by little monuments that they liked.
Jade and Ivy really wanted to ride the Indiana Jones ride, but they were just barely too short.
Kieran came with us and Grandpa stayed with the little girls. Jade says that she will get to go on Indiana Jones next time we go.
Kieran does not want to go again.

After Indiana Jones and the
Tiki Room, we headed to see a lot of characters. Jade started collecting autographs on the third day. But she loved it.

After some adorable pictures with characters, we had to take the perfect Halloween Time Disneyland Picture. Unfortunately, the lighting was awful.
But we got a cute one of Ivy by the Halloween lights. And then, we got to take pictures with Pluto.

The girls thought it was pretty adorable the way Pluto signed the autograph book.
Scott, the playful dad and uncle, likes to throw the girls up in the air. They both really like it.
Kieran opted for a more traditional picture- not in the air.

At 6:00, Ivy was asleep, just like the day before. There was no way we could wake her up. We tried, but she was exhausted and still went to bed right when we got home.

After a nap, she was a whole new person- all grins.

If you go to Disneyland, and have daughters, be sure and do the Princess Event. They do it twice a day and it is adorable. They teach the kids how to dance like a princess. Once they are done with the instruction, then the Princesses come out and dance with the girls. Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella were the princesses that danced with our girls. It was a short activity but definitely worth it.
Time to say good night and goodbye to Disneyland.
So, here it is, nearly a month since our trip to Disneyland. I am ready to go back. I'm thinking we may have to do a trip in January or February. If you ask Ivy, she'll tell you that we are going to Disneyland again tomorrow. I wish she knew something I didn't. Unfortunately, we aren't going--- not yet!
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