Do you remember the movie "The Birds"? It was considered a very scary movie during it's time. Scott and I watched it, and it is NOT scary. In fact, it is really really slow.
That being said, if I were Trevor waiting in the water with all of the birds surrounding him, I would be FREAKING OUT! It didn't even phase him, at least not that he let on. Although, maybe the birds were the reason he didn't get up on the slalom ski. -- Let's go with that as the excuse.
We keep thinking that each time out on the boat will be our last and yet we keep getting to go out. It is colder and colder each time we go, and the kids are less likely to get in the water each time we go out. Our wetsuits have gone from shorties to full suits- and I think if Scott had more crazy friends, he would consider getting a dry suit.
Scott got up on the slalom ski and he declared that he does not need to do it again any time soon- or ever. I still really enjoyed watching him- even if it was really hard work.

The kids did get in the water, and Jade did wake board, but I think their favorite part of the day was when they got up on the "stage" and danced their little hearts out. I could piece together a movie of all of their dancing photos. It was so adorable.
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