September 15, 2010

Swim Lessons

Summer is a wonderful time for the girls.  They enjoy the warmth.  They enjoy the freedom.  They enjoy the time with cousins.  They enjoy the time on the boat.  But both of them look forward to one thing for months.  The both look forward to swimming lessons.  (I could tell them that they could swim year round but I think they both have a busy enough schedule as it is with dance and gymnastics).

One day, I went to work late so that i could watch them at swimming lessons.  And because I always have my camera with me, here's what I got to watch...

This year has been a huge year for Ivy's swimming.  She actually enjoys it and isn't scared to go underwater.  The task is going to be keeping her brave during the winter months.  We might have to make a few trips to the bubble.

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