November 23, 2010

Ivy's First Day of "school"

I've never seen a child more excited about starting school  She was up bright and early and was bouncing off the walls because she got to start school.  I love that about her.  She always finds the joy in new things.

After school she was so excited about all of the new friends that she had made.  She is especially fond of Gillian, Katie and Brooke.  I have a feeling she's going to have no problems making life long friends - hundreds of them.

This last picture is one of my all time favorite Jade and Ivy pictures.  I love the soft edit, but Scott prefers it with more pop.  Would you like it better in the brightness of the first 2 pictures?

1 comment:

Jake Egbert said...

The hug is a great capture. I understand why you like the soft edit and it works for you. The soft edit is probably just a bit too "girly" for Scott and his little pink ATV. My personal preference would be to make it pop with the bolder contrast, too.