April 23, 2008

Swimming in the bubble is cold

One of the activities we do, trying to make memories with the girls, is go to the bubble to swim. We've gone a couple of Saturdays and some evenings. Saturday mornings are our favorite. It isn't very crowded- before noon, and the diving board is open. If you go in the afternoon it is CRAZY busy. But the girls still have a blast. I can't wait until it is warm outside and we can enjoy the sun warming up our freezing bodies when it is time to go home.

***The "bubble" is the American Fork Rec Center.

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Lorelie Andrus said...

What adorable little guppies! Swimming's such a great family activity. I'm glad you're braving these outings even when you don't get benefit of the sun!

Kat said...

Love the goggles pictures. Cute girls!

Miss Kim said...

How funny that you call your pool the "bubble!" Growing up in Bountiful we called the pool there the bubble too! Thats the first place I ever went off the diving board, and I was just about Jades age!!

Miss Kim said...

How funny that you call your pool the "bubble!" Growing up in Bountiful we called our pool the bubble too! That is actually the place that I first went off the diving board, and I was just about Jade's age too!!