June 4, 2008

Ivy's evening with mom- not at the movie theater

Tonight was date night for Scott and Jade. We aren't very good about having "daddy/daughter dates" but probably better than we are about having our own date nights. The went to see Narnia. While they were gone, Ivy and I did laundry, took a bath, had Popsicles and gave Ivy a haircut. Don't worry, she can still do her "Lucy Little ponytails." After we were done, we took some pictures of her in her 'jamas. Once I was done, she asked, "did you get it?" I think I did okay "getting it."

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Unknown said...

Very cute haircut...and oh yeah, what little girls learn from their big sisters. Funny dual pout!

Cassandra Barney said...

Good job. She looks lovely.

D. SKye Hodges said...

Darling pictures! She is growing up so fast! It's easy to recognize in "other people's" children, it makes me think about how fast mine are growing up. Too short.. Too short... (life, not the hair ;) )

Lorelie Andrus said...

She looks adorable-- but a little too grown up!