August 26, 2009

My Sister is AMAZING

Kat is very talented with many many things. One of the skills that I am so amazed at is her graphic art skills.

As the school year is kicking off and Jade is juggling 5 hours of gymnastics, 6 hours of dance and all day school, I wanted to make sure that the girls (and Miss Kim) know what to expect each and every day, and I wanted to give Ivy plenty of structure and school time. So, I asked Kat if she'd be willing to help me out. I sent her an excel spread sheet and expected something nicely done with two different colors. The next day, she told me that she hadn't been able to sleep the night before so she was brainstorming about ideas for the girls charts. Here is the result of her creative powers, illustrator skills and artistic talent. I absolutely love it and can't wait to get it printed off and displayed in their playroom.

Next, I'm going to need a little journal page where Miss Kim can document the girls progress, highs and lows of the day and any funny stories.

If you are interested in hiring Kat to do invitations, baby announcements, gift cards, calendars etc, feel free to reach out to her. Here is her photography site that also shows samples of her cards. She is fast and does a beautiful job. Here's her email address for kattailsdesign


Kat said...

wow, you are TOOOO kind. I am SO glad you like it! can't wait to see it big. love you.

Lorelie Andrus said...

This looks great. Good idea and beautiful execution! Maybe Grandma could use a cute chart to keep me on task!