The first...
There is a website/blog that I frequent. It is called "Blissfully Domestic." I think it is a fantastic resource for activities to do with kids, recipes, mommy style and helpful money savings ideas. I have been asked to contribute to the family channel. I'm really excited about posting some fun ideas twice a month. Please feel free to send me any suggestions on things you would like to see me post about on this site.
The second...
I've become a consultant for a very beautiful jewelry line. I'm the first consultant in Utah. Obviously, I don't have the time to be aggressive about it, but I would love to do some shows here and there and earn some really beautiful pieces. I learned about Touchstone Crystals on one of the blogs I visit. Touchstone Crystals gave to the celebrity gift baskets at the Golden Globe Awards- which I thought was really fun. They have been around for a while, but just started being a party company a few months ago. Take a look and let me know if you want anything or if you want a party. I need to host a party within 2 weeks of receiving my packet. I'll let you know the details soon. :) Here are some of my favorites- These are from the Silver Gatsby Ensemble.

Why did I decide to do this?
I agreed to do the blog thing because I have really enjoyed maintaining my blog. But my blog is more of a journal than a forum to share fun ideas that I have- ahead of time. Like having red white and blue food for the inauguration. It's possible that by doing Family Bliss, that I will get more organized and do more fun things with the girls.
The jewelry thing? Two years ago, I started using Patricia Wexler's products at Bath and Body. I love them and feel like I'm pampering myself a little more than I used to. I don't have a lot of time to exercise, or shop, or get my hair done. But, I'd like to appear a little more pampered. Accessories are a great way to do that. So, I originally contacted them just to find out about hosting a show. Since there are no consultants in Utah, I couldn't just do a show. So, signing up seemed like a fun option. I already did Pampered Chef and it paid for itself in no time. (And I never did a cooking show). To do a Touchstone Crystals party is so simple compared to Pampered Chef- not to mention there are a million consultants so everyone already has what they want from them.
So, that's why I'm doing it. I'm really excited and hope it ends up being a good decision. Wish me luck :)
Good luck with your new endeavors! I took a quick look at the jewelry and It's very tasteful and pretty. A little sparkle is always a good thing!
i'm excited for you - and you know i'll throw a party for ya....just name the date!
love ya.
I love the jewelry! I want to buy some, I'm just having a very hard time deciding. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE the new look of your blog!
This month Touchstone is clearing out a bunch of their jewelry. If you spend 50$, there is a large group of earrings, bracelets and necklaces on sale 10-20$. I'll send you the PDF :)
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