December 24, 2009

'tis the Season to DANCE

Every Thursday Ivy has dance class.
Every Thursday Ivy starts to cry and doesn't want to go.
Every Thursday I tell Ivy that she made a commitment to go to dance when she decided to audition for the company.
Every Thursday Ivy insists I go with her.
Every Thursday I take my laptop to her class, sit in the corner and log on to the VIBE's wireless.
Every Thursday I spent from 4:00- 6:00 working on reports and answering emails so that Ivy will go to dance class.
Every Thursday I love watching my littlest practice her turns and her kicks.
Every Thursday I love quietly laughing while Ivy "tries" to do cartwheels and handstands.
This Thursday we got to watch Ivy's dance class demo. Other than the cartwheels and handstands, she did an adorable job. She didn't know the dances as well as she should have, but she missed dance while we were in Disneyland and then the next time she missed because she was sick and contagious. She and I will keep working on her dance moves together and we'll keep working on her cartwheels and handstands. Hopefully she'll learn them, otherwise we might want to consider switching from jazz to ballet.
As you can tell from her smiles, she really does love dance- even if she is going to be shy and timid when it comes to dance class.

We have one month to get her ready for her first performance. Wish us luck on those cartwheels and handstands. (Jade and Ivy will both be doing some of the pre-shows for the "MOVE" concert at the Covey Center for the Arts at the end of January).

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