December 13, 2009

Polar Bear Swimming

Is 21 degrees too cold for swimming? We don't think so.
We went up to Crystal Hot Springs just outside of Brigham City. They have 5 different pools ranging from 71 degrees up to 104 degrees.
The girls have both been sick and we thought the natural minerals, the steam and salt would help clean out the girls' sinuses and get them feeling better. Jade spent most of the time diving underwater- so her sinuses were very cleaned out. Ivy loved the water and didn't want to ever leave.
We had a wonderful time and were really glad that Grandpa and Grandma were able to join us. (By the way, their house is coming a long beautifully, but they won't be in by Christmas.)
I have to say that the getting in was much worse than the getting out.
Once we were done, the girls got all bundled up again and were ready to face the COLD.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

When I first saw you guys in your swimsuits, I thought, "Are they crazy or what?" But then I read about the warm water temperatures and it actually sounded quite nice. :)